Log into the linux server and then elevate to root for the rest of the commands:

    sudo -i

OK, now on to the real work:

Step 1: Check the version of MySQL on Ubuntu 22.04, make sure it's 8 or higher.

    mysql --version
Step 2: Stop the MySQL server.
    systemctl stop mysql.service
Step 3: Skip Grant Tables & Networking.

    systemctl set-environment MYSQLD_OPTS="--skip-networking --skip-grant-tables"

Step 4: Start the MySQL service.
    systemctl start mysql.service

Step 5: Sign In to the MySQL shell.
    mysql -u root

Step 6: Alter the root password.
    flush privileges;
    USE mysql
Step 7: Revert Database Server to Normal settings.
    systemctl unset-environment MYSQLD_OPTS
    systemctl revert mysql
Step 8: Kill all MySQL processes & Restart the MySQL service.

    killall -u mysql
    systemctl restart mysql.service

Step 9: Log in with the newly set password.

    mysql -u root -p